Fleshlight – Fleshlight GO Stamina Training Unit Masturbator (Beige)
If you’re having trouble lasting as long as you’d like, Fleshlight has a fun, sexy solution. Their Stamina Training Units are designed to mimic actual intercourse, so while they feel amazing, they do not have the wild, intricate texturing of traditional Fleshlights.The GO model is more compact as well, which means you can take it with you wherever life calls.
This design helps you train yourself to last longer, produce more intense orgasms, and generally improve your performance with a partner. Easy to clean and sill built with the Real-Feel Fleshlight material, the Stamina Training Unit will be your go-to to improving your sex life.
Exclusive gold case
Patented SuperSkin sleeve
Lady orifice
Instructions for use and care
FREE e-guide for increasing your stamina